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Embrace change with transformational coaching

At the first sign of daffodils rearing their sunny heads and buds sprouting from bare trees, we place great hope that spring has arrived and all will be new and different. However, as this year’s May Bank Holiday Mondays remind us, no sooner have we reclaimed our sunglasses and indulged in our first al fresco coffee, than the rain and gusty winds reappear. Suddenly, we’re left scrambling for our ‘big coats’ again, questioning whether we can really call this spring at all.

Much like spring, life is a continuous cycle of change and growth. We can choose to see the rainy weekend as a setback or as an opportunity to adapt and thrive in any circumstance. Choosing to perceive what is happening around us and our ability to differentiate between what we can and cannot control is what truly defines us. Letting go of what we cannot change is how we move forward, setting us on a path to future success.

The gift of having space to think for ourselves is crucial for that mindset shift. While self-help books and motivational quotes can be inspiring, they cannot replace the profound impact of a personal journey through mindset transformation. True change comes from within, and at hr inspire, we understand this deeply.

As Carl Rogers, the founder of humanistic psychology, said:

“When someone really hears you without passing judgment on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mould you, it feels damn good…When I have been listened to and when I have been heard, I am able to re-perceive my world in a new way and to go on. It is astonishing how elements which seem insoluble become soluble when someone listens. How confusions which seem irremediable turn into relatively clear flowing streams when one is heard.”

Nancy Kline, pioneer of The Thinking Environment, reinforces this by asserting that the quality of our thinking depends on the quality of attention we give each other. Often, we think we are listening, but we are merely waiting for our turn to speak. As coaches, our role is – True Listening’ – to hold that space for you, putting our own egos to one side. We must resist the temptation to assume we know what is really going on and to offer advice unless all other avenues have been exhausted. We must remember that curiosity is the antidote to judgement.

At hr inspire, our transformational coaches excel in creating this vital space. We will truly listen to you and facilitate space where you can think freely and explore your thoughts. Our coaches ask relevant and challenging questions that broaden your thinking and raise your awareness. With the gift of time, patience, and freedom from judgement and restraint, you will process your muddied thoughts into sparkling clarity, and you will lay a path that is uniquely right for you.

This is how you add to your internal toolkit: exploring new ways of looking at problems, seeking out alternative solutions to the ones you always go with and trusting yourself that the answer lies within. This is how you build your internal resilience so you can cope with – and even thrive on – the all too predictable story that nothing ever quite goes to plan.

If you would like to learn more about our Transformational Coaching please contact Anna Brooks at anna.brooks@hr-inspire.com

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