
Guidance: Kickstart Scheme closure

The Government Kickstart scheme, which aims to encourage and fund employers to create new jobs for 16-24-year-olds at risk of unemployment, is coming to an end.

The Kickstart Scheme:

The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to create new jobs for 16 to 24 year olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long-term unemployment. Employers of all sizes can apply for funding which covers:

Employers can spread the job start dates up until 31 March 2022. You will get funding for 6 months once the young person has started their job.

Further funding is available for training and support so that young people on the scheme can get a job in the future.

It has been confirmed that Kickstart Scheme applications close at midday on 17th December 2021.

Information for Employers who applied for a Kickstart Scheme grant before midday on 17 December 2021

The Government aims to email with a decision on the application within 2 weeks.

If your application is successful, you must:

To help process the funding, it is requested that you inform as soon as possible or by 11:59pm on 30 April 2022 that the young person has started their job.

You’ll get funding for 6 months once the young person has started their job.

Click here for more information.

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