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How HR Outsourcing Can Help to Avoid Burnout

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic was a game-changer for HR professionals. Their roles changed dramatically, and they suddenly found themselves having to steer businesses through crisis response and preparation, interpret constantly changing legislation, deal with the stress of pressure on their workforce and create new and efficient ways of working. Here we look at how HR Outsourcing can help to avoid burnout.

Stress and burnout have become real problems in the industry. In a study conducted by Breathe, more than half of all HR practitioners believe they are not being adequately supported, with over 95% stating that their workload has increased steeply over the past 18 months. Tellingly, 92% believe that their core policies needed completely revising – in addition to their usual workload – while 82% had concerns over the wellbeing of their colleagues.

The good news is that according to a recent study by Mercer, the number one recommendation to accelerate how businesses can move forward in 2021 is to outsource non-core activities, such as HR services.

HR outsourcing seems to be on the rise for many businesses. Nearly one-third (29%) of participants indicated they were more likely to outsource HR functions as a result of the pandemic, while 42% said they were “very or somewhat likely” to outsource HR administration in the next 12 months.

How HR Outsourcing Can Help to Avoid Burnout

HR tasks and responsibilities like HR strategy, workers’ compensation claims management, payroll processing and employee benefits administration can all be outsourced.

HR outsourcing can help businesses have lower health costs, reduced HR expenses, fewer compensation claims, reduced turnover, higher revenue growth and generally fewer concerns about hiring, retaining and motivating employees.

There is also the opportunity to benefit from specialised HR knowledge and customised HR advice for your business by working with experts in HR, risk management, workers’ compensation, employee policies, recruitment, Organisation design and so much more.

To find out how hr inspire can help you navigate the changing business landscape, speak to a member of our HR team today >>

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