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Retaining and Attracting Hot Skills

Amid the global talent shortage, and with almost every sector feeling the pinch, it’s important that your business appeals to new hires in a way that compels them to stay and grow with your company. But, in order to be an employer that both attracts and retains talent, your employee brand and proposition needs to play a leading role. Here we look at retaining and attracting hot skills.

A recent survey identified that half of UK workers would sacrifice their basic salary to get a personalised employee benefits package and, what’s more, 60% of British employees are more likely to choose a job based on the perks and benefits a company offers.  

So how can employers use their Employee Value Proposition to recruit the future skills needed to progress their business? 

Build your reputation first 

Building your reputation as a great small business to work for is a key factor when recruiting and retaining talent. 75% of candidates will consider an employer’s brand before even applying for a job and, furthermore, companies with a strong reputation saw up to a 28% reduction in staff turnover.  

Employee-focused company culture 

To recruit candidates who are the right fit for your company, it’s important to build a culture that prioritises its people. Offering regular team-building activities, company away days and wellbeing initiatives will show how valued employees are. Fostering a strong culture may not be a new strategy, but it is becoming ever more critical to help businesses win the war on talent. 

Upskill your existing talent 

When building your talented workforce, you need to recruit a range of skilled employees who can tackle business challenges now, but also in the future. Looking internally for potential candidates may offer a solution to any skills gaps you are experiencing, and upskilling and developing your employees will not only increase the chance of an employee staying with your company, but also fully utilise the skillsets from your experienced members of staff.  

Offer a good work/life balance 

It’s no secret that the demand for flexible working has risen exponentially since the beginning of the pandemic. In fact, 40% of employees now want the opportunity to work flexibly in their roles. While flexible working can extend to offering hybrid or remote working opportunities, it can also include allowing employees to attend things like an important doctor’s appointment during work hours, or offering leniency on start and finish times to suit working parents.  

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