right to work checks
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Right to Work Checks – Revised guidance sees flexibility end 17th May

With adjustments made at the beginning of COVID coming to an end, employers will have to return to conducting in-person Right to Work checks from mid-May.

Home Office guidance now states that Employers will have to check applicants’ original Right to Work documents in person again, or check the applicant’s Right to Work online if they have provided a special code.

During the last year checks have been completed virtually, with copies of original documentation sent online and then Video Conferencing calls taking place to show and cross reference against the physical copy held by the applicant.

Organisations that undertook checks in line with revised COVID approach, between 30 March 2020 and the reintroduction of the normal rules in May, will not be required to carry out retrospective checks.

Under the revised guidance, if a business is continuing to operate remotely and in-person checks are not possible, the individual may have to courier original copies of documents verifying their Right to Work to their employer. This will then need to be verified over a Video Call.

To discuss Right to Work checks in more detail, contact our team for HR support and advice

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