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Tips for helping employees return to work in 2021

Getting back into the swing of things in the New Year is a challenge that many employees face after downing tools for the Christmas period.

Yet, with many employees continuing to work from home in light of the coronavirus crisis and lockdown restrictions, it is possible that many will find the return to work more challenging this year.

‘Post-Christmas blues’ affects many of us and while many people will likely struggle to get back into the working mindset today after time off, previous research commissioned by the working animal charity SPANA found that Brits take an average of four days to fully adjust to work after the Christmas holidays.

According to the Independent, the 2,000-strong study found that the majority of staff wouldn’t function properly until almost a full working week had gone by.

Getting used to early mornings again, dealing with colleagues and clients and tackling big post-Christmas workloads are all things that can take a toll in early January, according to the study.

With that being the case, helping to ease the return to work for staff members in January is key but how can the people function go about achieving this? Here are three tips to help…

Consider the work environment

In any workplace, it is crucial that employees feel safe and able to voice any concerns that they have or share mental health challenges that they may be facing.

Particularly if staff are feeling anxious or nervous about returning to work – whether that may be in a central office or from the confines of their own home – being able to speak up about it is key.

Therefore, HR leaders and businesses should encourage open dialogue with colleagues and reduce the stigma around mental health at work.

Encourage staff to take breaks

When returning to work, it is possible that work inboxes will be flooded with emails from colleagues and clients from over the Christmas period. Sorting through this deluge of messages could take a large portion of time and some may feel tempted to remain at their desks until each email has been dealt with. However, it is important that employees take regular breaks throughout the working day for both mental and physical wellbeing purposes.

Keep morale up

With many employers hosting fun virtual events and activities for staff throughout December, some may feel that they have little to look forward to when returning to work in the New Year.

Therefore, HR departments and employers could put on some virtual events or activities for staff such as team informal tea breaks, fun quizzes or even something like a company-wide talent show.

We would love to hear what your doing to make the return to work process more engaging and positive for your business and employees. Lets us know over on our socials you can reach us on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook.

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