We can help!
To all our friends and clients of hr inspire, firstly, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well and that continues to be the case.
Rishi Sunak has indicated that the furlough scheme is unlikely to be extended again and so it will close at the end of June. As a result employers should now start to consider how they will pick up their operations as we emerge from lockdown if they have not done so already started. It’s time to think outside the box if you want to thrive in the new normal. Resurfacing Strategies: Companies are already thinking about how they emerge from the current lockdown.
When considering a strategy bear in mind that the world will not simply go back to how it was before the lockdown. Employers should plan for social distancing measures to be in place for many more months and so your strategy will need to incorporate those restrictions. It is likely that all employees who can work remotely will need to keep away from the office and only those whose presence at work is vital should travel in.
We can offer you some short term support to get through this difficult period. We’re helping clients find the best flexible and practical solution for their business and are working with those preparing for a recovery. Let us know if we can help you further in the coming months.